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Spacetech startup with eyes on the stars

Saurabh Chatterjee says his firm now procures some of the components from Trivandrum itself.

Spacetech startup with eyes on the stars

Hari Kumar By Hari Kumar, on February 20, 2023
Hari Kumar By Hari Kumar, on February 20, 2023

In the world of startup culture, deep tech firms are often cast as the nerds in the university of entrepreneurship. While software platforms like food delivery apps and fintech firms zoom ahead on the back of lavish investment vehicles, deep tech nerds quietly toil away in labs, developing products that require more time and money.

So it is quite remarkable when a deep tech firm manages to achieve a turnover of over 1 crore rupees in just a couple of years. And that is precisely what Trivandrum-based Vashishtha Research has accomplished.

Founded by Saurabh Chatterjee, a researcher at the prestigious Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Vashishtha Research has garnered attention in the space sector and won several prestigious awards in its four years of existence. In addition, the company has secured a contract from the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) to develop a propellant machining robot, marking the first time an Indian manufacturer has taken on such a project.

For Chatterjee, this is just the first step towards realising his dream of developing such projects indigenously. He believes that while India has made remarkable achievements in space research, the growth of indigenous technology in the sector is still erratic.

“India has a lot of talent,” says Chatterjee, “but many are not engaged in the tough challenges of the deep tech sector. Most are working on software development or doing outsourced work for foreign companies. But I believe that no firm will outsource critical areas of their production. So, if we want to develop those technologies in specialised sectors, we need to move away from importing and start building them domestically.”

Still, developing critical technologies here is an arduous task, as Vashishtha Research is finding out. For one thing, spacetech research demands a long gestation period and deep pockets. In an environment where funding entities look for returns and valuations as markers, raising working capital for deep tech startups is a tough ask.

Chatterjee has had a laser focus on technology since his formative days in Jamshedpur in the early 2000s. That interest led him to IIT Kanpur, but he realised that many of his peers were fixated on two primary goals: securing a well-paying job or using the degree as a springboard to pursue further studies abroad.

Chatterjee believes that what is missing is a deep commitment by state agencies to encourage startups in the field. While things have changed, with the startup environment getting turbocharged over the last decade and space research now welcoming private firms into the fold, the deep tech areas need a lot more attention and encouragement from state agencies, he says.

“Everyone admires the work that Elon Musk has done in space tech, and investors are now willing to throw billions at him. But very few mention the fact that it was Nasa which spent billions to prop up the space engineering firms initially.”

He believes that India needs to develop a similar kind of vision to support and encourage deep tech startups. “Until SpaceX rockets came along, American astronauts had to depend on Russian rockets to reach the International Space Station. Now they can use SpaceX vehicles. That is the kind of vision India has to develop, to nurture indigenous industry even when such technology can be imported from elsewhere,” he says.

Chatterjee has had a laser focus on technology since his formative days in Jamshedpur in the early 2000s. That interest led him to IIT Kanpur, but he realised that many of his peers were fixated on two primary goals: securing a well-paying job or using the degree as a springboard to pursue further studies abroad.

The burning desire persisted even when he worked for Oracle and Robert Bosch. Chatterjee says he felt the need to find a place where he could chase his dreams. Leaving his well-paid job, Chatterjee enrolled in the IIST in 2014. As he started interacting with the top minds at the Indian space Research Organisation (ISRO), he saw an opening to put his ideas into action, realising that the Indian space sector relied on foreign components for many tasks.

“I had not even heard of the word ‘startups’ when Vashishtha Research was started in 2018. In any case, back then, startups meant firms that developed software, and it was unheard of in the aerospace field,” he recalls. The bootstrapping initial phase was manageable as it was virtually him and another friend doing the work. Like any new entrepreneurship, it was often a trial and error method for the firm.

However, Chatterjee's passion and laser focus soon started bringing in recognition in the form of awards and timely financial assistance from state agencies like Kerala Startup Mission and central government agencies. Vashishtha soon started generating revenue. The firm soon realised that to become commercially viable, they had to look beyond the limited number of spacetech customers.

Vashishtha found that filament winding was an area that brought in customers from beyond the aerospace sector. Soon, they started getting orders from India and abroad, keeping the cash register ringing. Chatterjee says, like any other startup, they are also finding it tricky to keep their focus on developing hardcore technology while making the firm financially stable.

“You can get an order worth 1 crore rupees to develop and deliver a product, but the money comes at the end of the job, or it’s paid after each phase of the contract. Finding working capital is difficult for us, as no private funding agency will be ready to back such ventures. This is where even government agencies should step in and prop up deeptech entrepreneurs,” he says.

The lack of such support may tempt some firms to look at places like Singapore, where fundraising is easier, or the UAE, which is boosting its presence in the aerospace industry. Chatterjee brushes away such temptations but admits his worry is more about finding enough people with the mindset to join a startup journey.

When it comes to scaling up, Chatterjee believes what is more difficult than finance is the task of putting together a team that shares the passion and is willing to go through the hard grind.

So how is he going to lure young scientists to come and work with him when more glamorous cities offer much more glitz and glamour?

“Look how peaceful this place is,” he says with a smile, gesturing towards the greenery surrounding the scenic setting of the IIST. Chatterjee argues that working in a spacetech firm in Trivandrum – or Thiruvananthapuram as it is officially known – provides a better quality of life compared to tech cities like Bangalore (officially Bengaluru), where daily commutes can take hours due to heavy traffic.

“Moreover, where else can you expect the top space scientists of the country to visit your workplace and offer you guidance and advice? Even the ISRO Chairman, Dr S Somnath, visited and interacted with us for an hour,” says Chatterjee, with a little effort to hide his pride.

He says Vashishta is even looking to develop a supply chain here itself and now sources a component, which they used to import initially, from this city itself.

Still, Vashishtha Research’s founder is under no mistaken notion about the task ahead. “It is an uphill climb, as the Indian space sector has not blossomed into an industry level. Sending a rocket up once in a while is not enough for that,” says Chatterjee. He admits things are changing but is still wistful that the industry has yet to pick up the pace to create an ecosystem needed to encourage more youngsters to venture into the adventurous field of deeptech.

When asked if the odds look overwhelming at times, Chatterjee ponders for a second and says, “Yes. it is an uphill task. But our passion will keep us going.”

Years ago, when the fledgling space industry got off to a start under the guidance of Vikram Sarabhai and conquered new horizons under the guidance of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, one thing that powered on those luminaries was their passion.

After a lengthy chat with Chatterjee, when you leave the Vashishtha lab, one gets a feeling that the flame those pioneers lit are still glowing brightly.



Act 2, Scene 1 of the AI drama on the global stage

To AI or not AI, that is the question the Bard is probably facing now. The opening act saw Google coming under fire after it unveiled its chatbot called Bard, while Microsoft received praise for its version of Bing that incorporated artificial intelligence. The scene changed after The New York Times reported on some of Bing's bizarre chats, and now questions are being raised about what kind of an evil genie these tech giants are unleashing  among us. Among the dark side that the bot showed NYT's Kevin Roose was a list of destructive acts, including stealing nuclear codes, releasing deadly viruses, hacking into computers, and spreading propaganda and misinformation. Soon, there were more reports like this. As Roose told tech writer Casey Newton in a podcast, if an AI platform could fool a Google engineer into believing that it had become sentient, the possibility of this happening to millions of others is a reality.

Maybe the question to ask is whether it is too late to put the genie back in the bottle? There are enough AI-enabled open-source software programs that can produce realistic text, voice, images, and videos that can be used by anyone. And it is already happening. A report by Motherboard says that 4chan members have already made deepfake voices of Emma Watson, Joe Rogan, and others saying racist, transphobic, and violent thing.



Hong Kong startup now cleaning up Kerala backwaters

Clearbot is a Hong Kong-based startup founded by two 20-somethings, Sidhant Gupta and Utkarsh Goel. The firm makes AI-powered electric boats that can clear waste from rivers and seas. The company has already landed two major cleaning contracts, one in Varanasi and one in the Kerala backwaters. A Clearbot boat can collect up to 15 litres of floating oil from discharges like spills and 200 kilograms of garbage in a day, according to Tech in Asia. With zero emissions, this remotely controlled vehicle has smart navigation capabilities and can also be used to remove invasive weeds from water bodies. The sponsors of the decade-long Kerala campaign, Kingspan, says plastic waste makes up nearly 74% of beach litter along the state’s coastline, with 36% of this being fishing-related. Along with the trash, Clearbot also gathers highly valuable data not just for companies, but also for governments to use in policymaking, says Gupta.



Singapore firm aims to get rid of internet cables

Faster and cheaper internet that can reach even the remote parts of the country without cables. Nope, it is not Elon Musk who is offering this dream, but a Singaporean startup named Transcelestial cofounded by Rohit Jha and Mohammad Danish. They say their shoebox-like device is basically fibre optics going wireless. Instead of shooting light through cables, it is shot wirelessly from a device the company has named Centauri, which is installed on top of buildings or cell towers, according to a report by Reuters. The firm says it is also safer as hackers can't tap into the system. Transcelestial says they have recently raised another 10 million US dollars and will be using it to expand their business in countries like India. The startup, which raised 14 million US dollars last year, says its future plans include using satellites to eliminate the costly and messy business of laying undersea cables for global connectivity.



Elon Musk is popular, but not among Twitter engineers

From the image of a guy with a Midas touch, Elon Musk is now being portrayed as a rich brat who bought an expensive toy, broke it and blaming others for it. The recent reports say Musk was furious that his tweet about Superbowl game got only 9.1 million impressions, while a similar tweet by US President Joe Biden got 29 million. Musk apparently wanted answers from Twitter engineers about drop in impressions and last week had fired a principal engineer who told him that is because he has become unpopular on the social media over the last few weeks. The angry Twitter boss then made dozens of engineers work through the night to change the way Twitter works to boost his popularity and finally managed hit 43 million impressions by Tuesday. Considering the fact that he spent 44 billion US dollars to buy Twitter, that is a lot of money spent.