Kerala Technology

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Trivandrum startup eyes global role in genetic profiling

Sagenome chairman Dr M Ayyappan says his company’s genome sequencing kit has generated enough response in the local market.

Trivandrum startup eyes global role in genetic profiling

PV Harikrishnan By PV Harikrishnan, on February 27, 2023
PV Harikrishnan By PV Harikrishnan, on February 27, 2023

Ask any new parent, and they will tell you how important it is to get all vaccinations done to protect their precious bundle. Recently, the United Kingdom announced that 100,000 infants will undergo genome testing along with mandatory vaccinations to assess their risk of 200 rare genetic disorders. This will help parents take mitigating steps and reduce the risk of developing such illnesses.

Experts say that this kind of evaluation could soon become universal as genome sequencing becomes as vital as vaccinations in ensuring a healthy future. While the use of such advanced technology may sound too futuristic in this part of the world, the reality is that this cutting-edge health technology is already available in Kerala. 

Just navigate through the back lanes of the Pettah area of Trivandrum, now officially known as Thiruvananthapuram, and you will find a lab equipped to map and analyse your genetic makeup from saliva samples.

There is a common belief that the startup world is only suitable for millennials and Generation Z. However, Sagenome, founded in 2020, is the brainchild of Dr M Ayyappan, who retired as the chairman of the state-run HLL Lifecare Ltd (formerly Hindustan Latex) in 2016. During his tenure, he transformed HLL into a high-profile health company with a global presence.

That track record led to this new venture. “We have established a state-of-the-art genome lab in Trivandrum,” says Dr Ayyappan with a sense of pride. His vision is to make Kerala a leader in genomic science, a rapidly growing field globally.

“As far as my knowledge goes, genetic labs that offer facilities for testing, research, and training like ours are rare in India,” says Ayyappan. The lab, which cost around four crore rupees (approximately 485,000 US dollars), houses state-of-the-art machines from renowned life science machinery manufacturers in the US, such as Perkin Elmer and Eppendorf. The company is also in the process of acquiring a DNA sequencer machine.

To get a genetic profile done, all one has to do is provide a saliva sample using the “OhMyGenome” kit provided by Sagenome, and the sophisticated machines at the lab will compile a report documenting your biological blueprint and highlighting any potential weaknesses later in life. The company now charges 58,999 rupees for the test. As genetic makeup remains unchanged from birth to death, people of all ages can avail themselves of this test.

To obtain a genetic profile, individuals can simply provide a saliva sample using the “OhMyGenome” kit offered by Sagenome. Sophisticated machines at the lab will then compile a report that documents their biological blueprint and identifies any potential weaknesses that may occur later in life. The company currently charges 58,999 rupees for the test. As genetic makeup remains unchanged from birth to death, people of all ages can benefit from this test.

“One thing many people ask is why do this if you are no longer young. That is a mistaken notion,” says Ayyappan. He draws on his personal tragedy to illustrate the point.

“My mother had to undergo a mastectomy when she was in her eighties. A genetic analysis earlier would have alerted us to the possibility of such a problem, and she could have avoided developing breast cancer.”

The awareness of such corrective measures is still largely unknown here, despite the publicity it received when Hollywood star Angelina Jolie had a mastectomy to reduce her chances of getting cancer, as she had a mutant gene that could have led to the disease.

Early warnings through genetic testing will allow individuals to reduce potential health risks by taking appropriate actions such as lifestyle changes, undergoing more frequent medical screening, or seeking early medical intervention if needed.

Genetic testing is used by doctors now, but typically in some complicated cases related to IVF treatment. Ayyappan says genetic profiling can better the treatments, as genetic data will give the doctor insight into how a patient will react to different medications. He foresees a time when every patient will have a record of their genetic profiling viewed along with other medical history during hospital visits.

He believes that treatments and medicines would become highly individualistic as the genetic information would enable physicians to tailor treatment that is suited to the individual's needs rather than taking the one-size-fits-all approach of modern medicine. This, he says, blends perfectly with traditional medical systems like Ayurveda, which also follows such an individualistic approach.

The Sagenome chairman says genetic information should not be confined to use in medical science alone. Such information can be used to enhance the wellness of individuals also. Sagenome has plans to introduce a range of tests covering fitness, skill levels, intelligence, and skin and hair conditions.

The main challenge in developing a market for genetic testing is the lack of awareness among the public and health professionals about the possibilities of this science, according to Ayyappan. He believes that the benefits of genetic testing extend beyond just medical science and can contribute positively to the overall wellness and quality of life of individuals.

In addition to medical applications, genetic profiling can also be used to determine compatibility between partners by providing clues about their personality traits. Ayyappan suggests that even dating apps would find such information useful.

Currently, Sagenome is seeking a partner to help scale up its operations. The startup has established a facility for testing and analysing genes, training technicians as well as educating health professionals about this science. The firm has already received backing from an undisclosed angel investor and is looking to turn its facility into a major centre for genetic sequencing.

According to Dr Ayyappan, samples can be processed in various countries and then sent to the lab in India for analysis, which would be more cost-effective. However, he acknowledges that there may be regulatory hurdles to overcome concerning health data privacy and compliance. In India, Sagenome is a registered startup under the central government's Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), and the company says no drug or laboratory licences are currently required.

Sagenomics has now grown to employ around 34 staff members, including pioneers in the field of genetics and counsellors who can guide people getting the gene tests. The company's genetic profiling kit is already available in the market and generating interest among those who are aware of the potential of this science, according to Ayyappan.



Kerala startups head to UK for scale up event

If you need more proof of the thriving startup scene in Kerala, here is another. Three firms from Kerala are among the 15 selected from a crop of 300 across India to pitch their ware in Scale Up Games to be held in Birmingham from March 6. The three Kerala firms this week are Trivandrum-based PanLys which has developed a revolutionary way to filter air and water, Cochin-based e-commerce firm Dreampot and Alleppey-based Fuselage, an agritech firm that helps farmers through drone technology. All these youngsters had come up with products or  services that have the potential to go global.

The summit is organised under the global entrepreneurship programme of the Department of International Trade (DIT), UK and is a venue for investors and collaborators sniff out potential winners from across the world. The vetting was done through the Mumbai chapter of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), a non-profit organisation founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley by a group of IT professionals with links to India. Maybe Birmingham will bring these boys financial backing that were unable to find here in India.



Lion City officials to get ChatGPT training

Use of artificial intelligence (AI) is spreading to more areas rapidly. The latest to adopt the new technology into their work is the Singapore government. It announced civil servants will be trained to use ChatGPT and given a new AI software to reduce the time spent on mundane work like writing draft reports, doing research and preparing speeches. A government team has already spent a month integrating ChatGPT into Microsoft Word, the go-to writing platform for most public officers, reported The Straits Times. “We want to free officers up for higher-level tasks,” explained one official. This bot can help them get over that tough first draft, or speed up their work by creating sample e-mails or even speeches, he said.  The software can also recognise and instantly redact sensitive information to ensure it is not exposed.



This startup has a perfect pitch for you

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Kiss and tell saga continue for Kissenger

Remember Kissenger? Nah, not that old dude who guided US policies during the Nixon years. This is the gadget that came out in 2015, which allowed users to send kisses via mobile phones. But it failed to get much traction then. Now, a Chinese company has come out with an improved version made from silicone that simulates the actual pressure, movement, and heat of a kisser's lips using sensors, reports  the South China Morning Post. Priced at around 260 yuan (38 US dollars) each on the Chinese e-commerce platform Taobao, the device is selling at a rate of more than 100 per month. Whether this will also get a kiss of death from the market is yet to be seen. Some users aren't exactly smitten with the product. “It’s a genius invention, but where's the tongue?” asked one disappointed customer. Well, you can't please everyone, can you?